Applied Cell Biology

Applied Cell Biology

Ethanolic extract of Callistemon lanceolatus as a tool to inhibit the progression of in-vitro P388 cell leukemia

Mohamed I.Abdelhady, RandaAbdou, Mohamed F.Barghash

1Department ofPharmacognosy,Faculty of Pharmacy,UmmAl-QuraUniversity,Makkah, P.O.Box 715, (KSA)
2PharmacognosyDepartment,Faculty ofPharmacy,AinHelwan,HelwanUniversity,Cairo, (EGYPT)
3BiochemistryDepartment,GeneticEngineering andBiotechnologyDivision,NRC,Cairo, (EGYPT)


The genus Callistemon is known in folk medicine for its various beneficial biological activities. The ethanol extract of Callistemon lanceolatus exhibited moderate cytotoxic activity against the tested P388 cell leukemia cell line.

Ethanolic extract
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