Applied Cell Biology

Applied Cell Biology


Interaction between cone production and growth traits in taurus cedar (Cedrus libani A. Rich.) populations

Hasan Gezer, Mahmut Cercioglu, Selin Tekocak, Cagla Yilmazer, Nebi Bilir

Faculty ofForestry, SuleymanDemirelUniversity, Isparta, (TURKEY)


Relation between cone production and growth characteristics (height, diameter at breast height, and crown diameter), and also fertility variation and effective number of parents were estimated in three natural populations of Taurus cedar (Cedrus libani A. Rich.) in this study.

Average of number of cones per tree was 41, while there were large differences among populations (! 0.05) and within population. Averages of number of cones were 19, 39 and 63 in the populations. The fertility variation was 1.85 in polled populations. Relative effective number of parents were 61.8%, 70.8%, and 71.5% in the populations sampled the same number of individual.

Three height and diameter at breast height have positive and significant (! 0.05) effective on cone production according to results of correlation analysis.

Breeding; Cedar; Genetic; Growth; Population; Reproduction.

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