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In vitro antimitotic, antiproliferative and DNA fragmentation assay of ethanol extract of Carmona retusa (Vahl.) Masam
C.P.Chandrappa, M.Govindappa, N.V.Anil Kumar
1Department ofBiotechnology, Shridevi Institute ofEngineering andTechnology,Tumkur 572106,Karnataka, (INDIA)
2Department ofChemistry,Manipal Institute ofTechnology,ManipalUniversity,Karnataka, (INDIA)
Carmona retusa leaf decoction is being used to treat cough and stomach ache root as antidote. This plant is also reported antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-analgesic and antidiabetic activity. Hence, our present study was performed to evaluate in vitro cytotoxicity, antiproliferative, antimitotic and DNA fragmentation assays. Fresh stem of Carmona retusa was collected from Hemagangothri Campus, Hassan district of Karnataka, India. Flask extraction procedure was adapted for extraction with alcohol. Alcohol extract was subjected to in vitro anti-mitotic, anti-proliferative activity and DNAfragmentation assay. The alcoholic extract of C. retusa has shown significant antimitotic and antiproliferative activity. The mitotic index was found to be 12.5 and 12.7 mg/mL respectively, which was near to standard, lapachol 12.2. Based on the results obtained, it is concluded that Carmona retusa may be the good candidate for the treatment of cancer as plant extracts have shown anti-mitotic and anti-proliferative activity A. cepa and yeast respectively.