Applied Cell Biology

Applied Cell Biology

Effects of red blood cells on the final product of automated closed system in stem cells isolation and its elimination method

Faezeh Tajalli, Reza Eftekhari Vakili

1Academic Staff inMolecularMedicineResearchDepartment,ACECR-MashadBranch, (IRAN)
2Academic Staff inAzadUniversity-MashadBranch,Mashad, (IRAN)


Nowadays, the use of umbilical cord blood (UCB) stemcells is promoting for related and unrelated donor transplantation. A successful transplant happens when quality of isolated cells will be high. Therefore, in addition to yield of quantitative production, to provide safe and effective products is very important in cord blood banks, because these products have to create the conditions and results allowing a therapeutic exploitation. So these principles are themain aims of cord blood banks to achieve an accurate transplantation fromstemcells (originating from: bone marrow, peripheral blood, cord blood). For this purpose, it requires some important technological innovations. This goal remains to be achieved for cord blood cells too. In many researches, quality of fresh samples and final products after thawing are evaluated by staining. For assessing the quality and recovery of UCB cells following laboratory manipulation in a study, for example,mononuclear cells (MNC) fromfresh (<48 h old) and thawedUCB units were stained with 7-amino-actinomycin D (7-AAD) and illustrated revealing 2-3% dead cells. The frequencies of apoptotic cells in fresh and thawed sample were similar. However, UCB held for 72 h showed higher levels of cell deterioration. Finally, the utilization of an automated closed system “Sepax® ” with washing after thawing is one of the best solution methods before transplantation.

Washing; Umbilical cord blood; Transplantation; Sepax® ; Automated closed system.
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