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Beneficial Effects of “Frequency Specific Microcurrent“ on Regeneration of Cultured Connective Tissue Fibroblasts
Peter C. Dartsch
Dartsch Scientific GmbH, Institute for Cell Biological Test Systems, Auf der Vosshardt 25, D-49419 Wagenfeld, Germany
Regeneration of complex structures after injury requires dramatic changes in cellular behaviour. One of the main functions of early signaling events after injury is the production of additional cells that are able to rebuild lost or damaged structures.
This is mostly done by cell proliferation. Another fundamental cellular event is the migration of cells, especially in exogenous electrical fields. In this present in vitro study, we examined the effect of Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM) of the
TimeWaver Frequency McMakin system on regeneration/wound healing process. By using a specific bioassay, the granulation phase, which is characterized by the occurrence of cell migration and proliferation, was reconstructed.
The study was conducted with cultured connective tissue fibroblasts (L-929) which were seeded into cell cultures plates containing silicon frames which represent a cell-free space (= artificial wound) after the cell layer has become confluent and the frame was removed. The cells were allowed to migrate and proliferate into the cellfree space for closure. After fixation and staining, the residual cell-free space was calculated by a specialized software. Untreated controls were compared with cells which have been exposed once for 5 to 6 min to two different programs of the Time Waver Frequency McMakin system. Three independent experiments with a total of 12 single measurements were conducted.
Morphological evaluation of cell regeneration/wound healing in comparison to the untreated control showed a significant improvement in the colonization of the cell-free space by the application of both programs with only a single short-term treatment of the TimeWaver Frequency McMakin system. Calculation of the residual spaces after 24 hours of fibroblast migration and proliferation into the cell-free space by a specialized software showed a residual cell-free space of 22.1 ± 3.8 % for the untreated control, whereas the residual cell-free space was only 9.6 ± 3.6 % for cells after exposure to program # 1 (= trauma/re-activation) and 15.7 ± 1.5 % for cells after exposure to programm # 2 (= cell regeneration/wound healing). All data represent mean value ± standard deviation. This means that the cells have been stimulated significantly for an improved regeneration process by migration and proliferation after only a single short-term exposure to the programs used in this study.
The TimeWaver Frequency McMakin system has clearly demonstrated its beneficial effect in experimental test procedures at the cellular level. The application of both programs resulted in a significant improvement in regeneration/wound healing of
connective tissue fibroblasts even after only a single short-term application. The present cellular results confirm previous findings from practical use of high-performance athletes during regenerative processes due to physical exercise or overload.