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Comparative spatio-temporal evolving histology of staphylococcus aureus and staphylococcus epidermidis colony/biofilm
María L uisa Gómez-L us, Fernando Gómez-Aguado*, César Gar cía-R ey, María Teresa Corcuera, Carmen Ramos, José Pr ieto
App Cell Biol | Open Access
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Cytotoxic effect of Jamaican bissy nut extracts on various cancer cell lines
Henry I.C.Lowe, Charah T.Watson, Simone Badal, Patrice Peart, Ngeh J.Toyang, Joseph Bryant
Epigenetic mechanisms that operate in mammals
Dagdemir Aslihan, Durif Julie, Ngollo Marjolaine, Bignon Yves-Jean, Bernard-Gallon Dominique
Generic feedback model distributed coding scheme by using computational biology approach
Bin Li, Bing Qi, Liangrui Tang Generic feedback model distributed coding scheme by using computational biology approach. Applied Cell Biology. 1(1) 2012
Nucleotide radicals in DNA/RNA synthesis. Computational approach
Alexander A.Tulub
Pharmacological inhibition of NF-kB activity prevents methylmercury induced glial IL-6 release
Jason Y.Chang, Tarun K.Garg Pharmacological inhibition of NF-kB activity prevents methylmercury induced glial IL-6 release.
Sialochemistry: Intracellular enzymes & fluoride in periodontitis
Ghalaut Pankaj, Kaur Ramanjit, Singh Ragini, Veena S.Ghalaut, Bansal Piyush, Manjubala