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Expression of neural-glial cell markers in cells from non-parenchymal progenitors of postnatal liver
Jiwei Han, Congcong Zhu, Jian Ni, Lifang Jin
College of Life Science of ShaoxingUniversity, 900#ChengnanDadao, Shaoxing,Zhejiang, 312000, (CHINA)
Increasing evidence provides support that postnatal hepatic stem/progenitor cells (HSPCs) have capability to expressmulti-tissue lineage markers in response to specific condition. Here, we reported that hepatic nonparenchymal progenitors,monkey liver epithelial progenitor cells (mLEPCs), acquired characteristics of neural-glial cell after a two-step induction. The E-cad+CD34-CD45-CD90- sorted adult mLEPCs have capacity of clonal growth and represent unique antigenic profiles. They generated into AFP and CK19 double positive cells in three Matrigels systems. After a twostep induction by growth factors stimulation, some cells converted to neural- glial like cells. Immunostaining showed that differentiated cells had acquired the expression of neural-glial cell markers (GFAP, A2B5, O4 and MBP) but lost the expression of epithelial cellmarkers (E-cad and CKs). RTPCR further revealed that differentiated cells had acquired of expression of mRNAPDGFR-A, PDGFR-B, PLP,GFAPandMAG.Our results firstly demonstrated that at least a subpopulation of adult of mLEPCs expressed typicalmarkers of neural-glial cells in specific environment condition.