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Carbimazole-induced histopathological and histochemical changes in epididymis of albino rats: Ameliorative effect of selenium
S.A.Sakr*, H.A.Mahran, A.E.Nofal
ZoologyDepartment, Faculty of Science,MenoufiaUniversity, ShebinEl-kom, (EGYPT)
Carbimazole is an antithyroid drug used in treatment of hyperthyroidism. The present investigation studied the effect of carbimazole on epididymis of albino rats and the ameliorative role of selenium. Treating rats with carbimazole (1.35 mg/Kg b.w) daily for 8 weeks caused distinct histological alterations in the epididymis compared with control group. The ductus epididymis showed hyperplasia, congestion of the interductular blood vessels, marked vacuolization, apoptosis and decrease of characteristic
stereocilia.Also, inflammatory infiltrationswere observed in the stroma.The morphometrical results showed that the ductual diameter and epithelial height of epididymal duct were significantly reduced. Histochemical examination of the epididymis of treated rats showed noticeable decrease in the polysaccharide, protein and nucleic acids contents. The observed results were time-dependent. Treating animals with carbimazole and sodium selenite (10 ì g/K g b.w) showed an improvement in the histological structure as well as histochemical components of the epididymis. It is suggested that the curative effect of selenium against damage induced by carbimazole may be due to its antioxidant properties.