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A Comparison of DASH Scores Resulting from Different Treatment Options for the Intra-articular Distal Radius Fracture in the Geriatric Population
Himanshu Wagh1, Akshay Jakkidi Reddy2
1California Northstate University, Rancho Cordova, USA
2Department of Ophthalmology, California Northstate University, Rancho Cordova, USA
There exist three main methods of treating distal radius fractures: closed reduction, open reduction internal fixation, and percutaneous fixation. 10 studies in the geriatric population comparing closed reduction and ORIF, and ORIF and methods of percutaneous treatment were found. DASH and PRWE scores from these studies at 1 year followup were compiled and means were compared via independent T tests. DASH scores in the ORIF and percutaneous treatment groups were better than the open reduction, although ORIF and percutaneous treatment groups were not significantly different. PRWE score analysis revealed a significant advantage of ORIF compared to percutaneous treatment, and percutaneous treatment over closed reduction and casting.